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Arma Design Studio

Arma Design Studio (ADS) is a CAD (Design) and CAM (Manufacturing) application for industrial design and manufacturing. ADS runds on Windows, Mac OSX and Linux. ADS is best suited for tube frame and contoured surface projects, specifically targeted to automotive.


Latest Version: 1.2.84 released: September 28, 2024

  Download ADS for MaxOSX
Download Arma Design Studio for MacOSX - Apple Silicon (Arm-64)  

Note: Before running the application, open the terminal, navigate to the application folder and run the script './'.

  Download ADS for Windows
Download Arma Design Studio for Windows Installer- x86-64 (Intel/AMD)  

Note: We are working on an issue with Windows builds not starting on some machines.

Alternate Download Arma Design Studio for Windows Installer- x86-64 (Intel/AMD)  

Note: Try this alternate version of ADS if the standard installation does not work on your system.

  Download ADS for Linux.
Download Arma Design Studio for Linux - x64 (Intel/AMD)  


Design Modeling Features (FREE):
Create concept and production model designs.

- File import/export supporting: .ads, .obj, .gcode, .dxf, .stl, .pdf.
- Modelling with tubes (Parametric and Direct - with coped joints, notched tabs and slots),
  contoured mesh surfaces and curves, annotations, geometric shapes and more.
- Modeling tools with object mirroring, boolean operations, surface mesh conform, etc.
- Manage large complex scenes with object nesting, group / child visibility, searching, grouping.
- Layout modes for flat positioning individual parts on CNC tables and 3D printers.

Release Notes

Version 1.2.84 September 28, 2024
- Critical bug fix to the renderer.
- Bug fix to WebGL export generating sub object files correctly.

Version 1.2.83 September 15, 2024
- Improve rendering of Arc tube bend centerlines. Now accurately shows centerline
- Curve and Spline Mesh now can display face angles with labels on the screen. This helps to visualize curvature.
- Implement X,Y,Z key axis lock. You can now drag points or objects in teh scene along the X, Y or Z axis my holding the keys down.

Version 1.2.82 September 4, 2024
- Bug fix to the Arc Tube geometry. In some cases exporting arc tubes would create invalid geometry breaking mesh and obj related exports.

Version 1.2.81 September 3, 2024
- Bug fixes with mesh object replication.
- Implementing a new type of mesh conformation that uses child curves in an more usable interpolating mode.
- Backend code with the goal to implement exporting OpenFOAM configuration files in the future for FEA simulation.
- Upgrades to the OBJ export. There is a known bug exporting arc tube curved elements.

Version 1.2.80 August 12, 2024
- WebGL Export updated. Exports need to be run on a server.
- New Export Release tool allows you to select which objects you want to export independent of scene visibility. Used for releasing complete projects without having to toggle on and off parts of the project you are working on.
- OBJ export improvements. Now includes mesh models for Arc Tube objects.
- Spline Mesh edge snapping only activates on meshes with non connected sides.
- Performance improvements to Triangle Mesh object selection deletions.
- Bug Fix: Lathe tool render error fixed.

Version 1.2.79 July 19, 2024
- Dimension constraints now support angle with distance with updates to XYZ offset lebeling.
- UI updates on default arrangement of object list and properties panel.

Version 1.2.78 July 13, 2024
- Curve/Polygon shrink to curve tool added.
- OBJ Export bug fix does not export transparent objects.
- Curve circle set diameter bug fixed with correct location.
- Foundation features progressing to support a webgl browser based interface.

Version 1.2.77 July 3, 2024
- Add Circle tool and circle resize tool. 2D parts will often use circular curved edges and this tool allows for faster work with curves.

Version 1.2.76 June 23, 2024
- Bug fixes. Index bounds on Curve editor and edge selection focus zoom on triangle mesh objects.
- Add frame rate to help text on screen. Future work will aim to optimize render performance.

Version 1.2.75 June 22, 2024
- Change selection focus zoom to only apply when the selection bounds are smaller than the screen. This allows you to zoom into a portion of an object.
- Preliminary lanuage interface and OpenAI LLM to act as an interoperability bridge to leverage LLM productivity in CAD design. This is a foundational feature set and is not usable as a production feature.

Version 1.2.74 June 13, 2024
- Spline Mesh resize now draws edges with color for better identification.
- Bug fix in selection focus zoom scroll feature in some cases the focus was in the wrong location.

Version 1.2.73 June 6, 2024
- Implement focus based selection zoom feature.
- Bug fix to Arc Tube material selection with a custom scene scale.

Version 1.2.72 June 1, 2024
- Improvents to the tube mesh to Arc Tube conversion tool which now uncludes notch geometry.
- Arc Tube editor now allows you to resize an endpoint while maintaining the tube direction by holding the shift key down.

Version 1.2.71 May 29, 2024
- Improvements to tube mesh conversion to arc tube. The conversions are more accurate and include notches if possible.
- Dimension constraints now allow 0 distance as a way to connect objects together.

Version 1.2.70 May 25, 2024
- Thirty day file backup system stores project files in a project folder.
- First version of a parametric constraint system that allows you to define distances between objects.

Version 1.2.69 May 18, 2024
- Error logging to support customers with unresolved bugs and crashes.
- Group toggle buttons at the top of the screen now update when changing object group attributes.
- GCode export tools now have new user interface forms that save property values in the application settings.
- Experimenting with 5-Axis roughing implementation concepts to use router geometry and cut away voxels.

Version 1.2.68 May 12, 2024
- Help hint will display on the screen if objects exist but none are visible. Instructions describe how to use the 'Focus' tool to relocate the project objects. This is useful in the event that you pan, rotate or zoom away from from project objects and can't navigate back.
- Bug fix when copying and pasting Arc Tube objects to projects in a different file.

Version 1.2.67 May 5, 2024
- Bug Fix, Delete point and edges in editor window works correctly.
- Escape key will now deselect any objects. This allows new objects to be added to the root scene easily.

Version 1.2.66 May 3, 2024
- Implement a basic DXF import function. Many of the features will be buggy.
- Improvements to the Dimension tool to draw more accurately.
- Update the Fabricate Invoicing tool to collect more information.

Version 1.2.65 April 29, 2024
- Arc tubes can now snap to other arc tubes in the scene by holding down the shift key.
- Arc tubes can be constraigned to the X, Y and Z axis by holding the respective keys down.
- Tools now display options available on the screen.
- Preliminary support for notching all arc tubes in a scene is in place.

Version 1.2.64 April 21, 2024
- License Keys are now required for certain manufacturing and automation features.
- GCode post processor performance uprgade.
- WebGL export now writes child objects all into first object with geometry to reduce the number of files.
- GCode post processor dampen function will reduce speed when changing direction. Reduces machine vibration.
- Mirror mesh performance upgrade.
- Updates to spline mesh boolean operations now render boolean object dynamically.

Version 1.2.63 Mar 31, 2024
- Align tool. Usefull for orienting a 3D scan object into an existing scene.
- Spline mesh editor now shows selected edge length label.
- GCode 43.4 TCP Pre-Processor tool for converting Fusion-360 5 axis GCode for use on non TCP controllers such as Mach3/4.
- Footer tool bar noew includes, reload, spatial align and toggle mirror plane objects.
- Mesh quality tool marks locations on a mesh with possible issue.
- Rotation tool center point fixed.
- SplineMesh objects now support boolean subtract actions internally.
- Attempt to improve Windows installer builds to run on machines without crashing on startup.

Version 1.2.61 Feb 27, 2024
- Add object group attribute toggle buttons in header bar.
- Add point distance label indicating distance to closest tube or mesh face.
- Bug fix in view orientation with edge or face selected will now center.
- Updated context button icons.

Version 1.2.60 Feb 20, 2024
- View centering and selection rotation centering fixes.
- Save and Colour context bar buttons added.
- Mirror Mesh objects are only replicated if visible.
- Fix view loading on small objects.

Version 1.2.54 Jan 29, 2024
- Add a footer bar with a search field and context based buttons for commonly used features.
- Updates to the 5-Axis router GCode export. This feature is not production ready.

Version 1.2.53 Jan 21, 2024
- Improve geometry on Arc Tube Tab Slot tool.
- Fix Undo operation for Arc Tube functions.
- Update save prompt UI on editing windows.
- Views on main window and editor window will automatically center on the scene or selected object on view change.
- Add view buttons for solid and transparent view.
- Add progress bar to download examples feature.
- Curve and Arc Tube objects can now have a color attached.
- Updates to CFD code, Not yet functioanl.

Version 1.2.48 Dec 29, 2023
- Loading files will set the inital view zoom scale to contain all of the visible features.
- Editing objects will rotate around the center of the object if not points are selected instead on the scene center.
- Preliminary Frame Design tool for generating and optimizing frame structures between solid objects and around hidden and transparent objects.

Version 1.2.47 Dec 19, 2023
- Usability updates for Windows. The control key can be used along with the left mouse button to pan objects.
- A help menu commands infographic lists main keys and buttons.

Version 1.2.46 Dec 18, 2023
- Quality of life improvements. Loading files will zoom to the content, editing objects will zoom to the featured object and rotating an object being edited will orbit the object if no features are selected.

Version 1.2.45 Dec 18, 2023
- Improvements to tab slot tool that generates more accurate slots in Arc Tubes.
- Migrated to native builds from a bundled java application. This should reduce memory requirements and improve performance.

Version 1.2.44 Nov 19, 2023
- Fix Arc Tube editor view buttons.
- Arc Tube Editor property fields for points will now update the model geometry when changed.

Version 1.2.43 Nov 18, 2023
- Improve quality and capability of Arc Tube Intersection Notching functionality.

Version 1.2.42 Nov 15, 2023
- Menu item opens folder with all export files for quick loading.
- Add Arc Tube notch feature automatic order feature.
- Automatically sort arc tube notch features when exporting GCode.

Version 1.2.41 Nov 14, 2023
- Fix Fabrication invoice PDF link.
- Fix save progress dialog for projects that save quickly.
- Properties load correctly in editor after selecting arc tube material.
- CFD updates using face intersection instead of bounds. Work in progress.
- Adding a Mesh flange tool. This feature is a work in progress.

Version 1.2.40 Nov 8, 2023
- Fix layout view reset function for curves and plates to GCode.

Version 1.2.39 Nov 6, 2023
- The object tree list now correctly restores the order of objects and folders when loading project files.
- Fix bug where the application would exit after closing an unsaved window while other windows were open.
- Coordinate axis indicator simplified to show each axis as the same size.

Version 1.2.38 Nov 4, 2023
- Upgrades to the Plate to GCode export system
- Add Solid object to edge line for GCode export shapes.

Version 1.2.37 Oct 29, 2023
- Updates to Arc Tube Numeric editor. Still prototype. Primary method for Arc Tube construction is with the mouse.
- Updates Basic Soft Body system on Arc Tubes.
- Improvements to Upgrade system.

Version 1.2.36 Oct 27, 2023
- Fix new material color button in color editor. Add new default colors and clean up UI.
- Update save prompt on close and fix bug on saving large files on closing.

Version 1.2.35 Oct 26, 2023
- Bug fix to Arc Tube Pie Cut GCode export.
- Pie Cut Tubes auto update when modifying tube geometry.

Version 1.2.34 Oct 24, 2023
- Bug fix when adding objects to a new scene.

Version 1.2.33 Oct 24, 2023
- Performance improvements to Arc Tube routing.
- Arc Tube export beta for Pie Cut routing supported.

Version 1.2.32 Oct 22, 2023
- New file version will load past versions but wont open in past versions of the application.
- Improvements to the Arc Tube Route function with better results and performance.

Version 1.2.31 Oct 1, 2023
- Tube Bend GCode option to minimize chuck rotation so that parts don't have to rotate more than 180 degrees when repositioning sequential bends.
- GCode plate cut exports ignore curves that are open ended and not actual plates meant to be cut.
- Move coordinate orientation indicator to the top right corner and adds color and more visual indicators.

Version 1.2.30 Sept 26, 2023
- Spline Mesh objects now will snap to the defined edges if the angle on an edge is sufficiently high. This means that the surface of the mesh will still be smoothed as normal but if you pull a point along an edge beyond fifteen degrees instead of smoothing the edge it will be pulled to the edge points. This is useful for modeling panel structures where for example a vehicle wheel well curve will be smoothed but the transition from wheel well to body panel will be crisp and accurate.

Version 1.2.29 Sept 25, 2023
- Bug fix to Arc Tube bend Gcode export when inverting the length.

Version 1.2.28 Sept 24, 2023
- Loads project files more appropriate inital zoom levels based on the contents.
- Beta version of tube export to CNC GCode as pie cuts. Tubes can be modeled and cut in full sections, folded and welded to shape.
- Close event correctly handled on some dialogs.

Version 1.2.27 Sept 21, 2023
- Updates to Arc Tube equal length optimization outine to fix bugs and include optimize segments for parallel orientation.

Version 1.2.26 Sept 15, 2023
- Update UI and controls for Spline Mesh Editor.
- Arc Tube reverse point order function.
- Arc Tube display shows point markers and more clear start point.
- OBJ import bug displays new objects in the list correctly.
- Arc Tube bend GCode export now has options to invert chuck rotation direction and disable bends for testing.
- Progress dialog for loading, saving and deleting points has a progress bar.

Version 1.2.25 Sept 10, 2023
- Adding view buttons to Curve and Arc Tube editor window.

Version 1.2.24 August 27, 2023
- Preliminary plate Kerf and inset/outset feature for plasma and router CNC tables.
- Bug fixes with GCode export positioning.
- Tube Nesting now writes seperate files for each material type.

Version 1.2.23 August 14, 2023
- Update the Arc Tube GCode export and bend markers to use a new calculation for die radius springback compensation. This will allow fabricated parts to match the desired dimensions as the actual bend profile is not a perfect arc.

Version 1.2.22 August 10, 2023
- Triangle Mesh Outer Selection feature strips out inner tube points for use with the notch from selection feature.
- Add Tube Notch Nesting PDF for optimized length cuts and arrangement to reduce scrap. This function can't handle different material types yet.

Version 1.2.21 August 8, 2023
- Improvements to the Plate Cut GCode export features.

Version 1.2.20 August 5, 2023
- Updates to the Tri mesh editor window. New icons and quick access buttons for view direction.
Tube Notching now runs in a thread with a progress dialog. Some small percentage of notches take a long time and this allows you to cancel an operation.

Version 1.2.19 August 4, 2023
- Mesh orientation feature levels 3D scan mesh objects to a plane by selting three points.
- Prototyping a tube to pie cut feature.
- App closes when all windows are closed bug fix.
- Tube routing with equal length optimizations.

Version 1.2.18 July 23, 2023
Fix bug in arc tube notch gcode export. Add support for middle mouse button rotation. Starting on bent tube as notch pie cuts feature for design and manufacturing of exhaust manifolds without a bender.

Version 1.2.16 July 19, 2023
Minor cleanup and small feature updates.

Version 1.2.15 July 13, 2023
Critical bug fix to tube gcode export function that broke the file.

Version 1.2.14 July 6, 2023
Bug fix to Tube GCode exporting.

Version 1.2.13 June 26, 2023
This version includes a tube notch GCode nesting allocator to effeciently plan tube stock cuts and placement of project parts to reduce waste scrap material.

Version 1.2.12 June 22, 2023
This release makes improvements to the Tube Notching function that generates cut profiles from edges on 3d mesh geometry usually imported from other cad applications. The new routine is significantly better but still fails in a few edge cases.

Version 1.2.11 June 20, 2023
Bug fix in renderer displaying transparent objects correctly. Bug fix on Arc tube gcode export on features with long spaces. Work on web client WebGL interface features.

Version 1.2.10 May 30, 2023
Implement export unit settings that are seperate from scene units for cases where the CNC manufacturing tools use different units.

Version 1.2.9 May 23, 2023
Improvements to the Arc Tube notch and bend PDF documents to show notch detail and better layout.

Version 1.2.8 May 15, 2023
Arc Tube notch to GCode export now has a continuous mode by default that will generate a cutting path that cuts each notch in one pass rather than stopping and rotating back to a single 0-360 degree region. This solves some bugs in the old routine but maintains the old method as this new one is still being tested.
The tool icons have been updated to be more readable and clear.

Version 1.2.7 May 10, 2023
This release fixes bugs in the arc tube notch GCode export function which includes some missing notches in rare cases, removes duplicates in some cases and adds a notch order automatically if not allready set making for faster exports.

Version 1.2.6 May 9, 2023
Critical bug fix to arc tube bend GCode and PDF exports to correct rotation angles.

Version 1.2.5 April 29, 2023
Bug fix when mirroring arc tube objects in the editor window now correctly detects when a mirror plane should apply. Update to material selection fabrication tool correctly applies material size given the units selected for the file.

Version 1.2.4 April 23, 2023
Modifying primitive objects in boolean structures now regenerate geometry on property change.

Version 1.2.3 April 23, 2023
Improvements to the mirror plane tool will now generate replicated curves, tubes and meshes when mirroring an object or changing properties or physical material. Triangle mesh editor window now loads full screen.

Version 1.2.2 April 22, 2023
Mirrored Arc Tubes are now shown in green while the source origional geometry remains blue. This makes it clear which objects need to be modified in mirrored projects. Added a loading dialog to long running loading and saving operations.

Version 1.2.1 April 18, 2023
Upgraded Boolean modeling features which allow geometry primitives to be modified with union, intersection and subtraction of other geometry by adding objects as children. Boolean objects can be positioned and changed to quickly build and modify solid objects. Note: Complex geometry with many union objects may cause slow processing or geometry glitches.

Version 1.2.0 April 4, 2023
This is a compatibility update. Files created in older versions of ADS will open in this release but files created in this release cannot be opened in past versions. This release renders plate materials from closed curves to allow the design and manufacture of projects with plate materials. This release includes some AOI plugins: Collada export, Solid geometry editor and SVG export.

Version 1.1.96 April 2, 2023
Implement a contoured selection highlight feature that makes it easier to identify which object you have selected in large complex scenes. Improvements to the material selection tools for manufacturing.

Version 1.1.95 March 24, 2023
Fixes a bug in curves that use a mirror plane losing curvature after being modified.

Version 1.1.94 March 22, 2023
Imroves SplineMesh conform tool which only moves verts within the range of shortest adjacent edge. Add SplineMesh editor detaure to equalize points in a mesh moving them to an equal spacing arrangement across an X or Y aligned selection.

Version 1.1.92 March 18, 2023
Fixed bug in curve and arc tube editor when selecting points. Improved the tube to arc tube conversion function that now correctly generates structures over the full length with bend radius as well as outer and inner diameter.

Version 1.1.91 March 15, 2023
Fix Window sizing issues on Windows. Updates to fabrication pricing and invoicing features.

Version 1.1.90 March 11, 2023
This release fixes a critical bug on machines with no previous file history. Button borders have been cleaned up. Fabrication invoice and specification PDF document generation is in progress.

Version 1.1.89 March 5, 2023
Bug fix to Arc Tube GCode notch export feature on notch features close to small tube bends. Adding FEA features including experimental cloth simulation on SplineMesh objects.

Version 1.1.88 March 4, 2023
Adding fabrication tools for designers to have their products made by Arma. Added menu buttons for recent files, scene units and material selection. Fix bug in curve selection on closed curves, expanded seceltion bounds for easier selection of small objects.

Version 1.1.87 February 28, 2023
Implemented a Arc Tube bend marker feature that puts a pin hole at the start and end of each bend for alignment in CNC tube benders and for verification of manufactured parts. Once added markers will automatically be positioned on the tube when modified.

Version 1.1.86 February 27, 2023
Fixed a bug in the Arc tube bend GCode export on the length, added units, removes bends with an angle less than .25 degrees.

Version 1.1.85 February 26, 2023
Fixed a bug in Arc Tube bending GCode and PDF exports. Editing most scene objects will now load the editing window with the same scene view angle for a better user experience. Unit settings have been added to the files and will be used for CNC machine integration.

Version 1.1.83 February 25, 2023
Critical bug fix in Arc Tube GCode export. This release fixes an offset calculation error that caused tube to be cut with incorrect dimensions.

Version 1.1.82 February 22, 2023
Implemented ArcTube notch rotate feature for alignment in Arma CNC Benders. Bug fix in object selection.

Version 1.1.81 February 21, 2023
Implemented Mirror Plane features on notches for replicated arc tubes.

Version 1.1.80 February 15, 2023
Bug fix in selection of curves, GCode exports on ArcTubes, Mirror plane replications and more.

Version 1.1.79 February 11, 2023
Fixed a bug in ArcTube notching GCode export. Rotation on each segment is not consistant as arc tubes are first unbent into one straight tube before unrolling to GCode.

Version 1.1.78 January 28, 2023
Fixed a selection bug in perspective mode on mesh objects. For now the bounds region is used instead of the mesh surface instersection.

Version 1.1.76 January 20, 2023
Implement Curve and Arc mirroring using the Mirror Plane object as a child. Arc and curves would replicate one side to the other and now they replicate seperately when the mirror is placed.

Version 1.1.75 January 9, 2023
Implement Tube Mesh to center line curve tool. Code cleanup and updated infographics.

Version 1.1.74 January 8, 2023
Implemented the 'Get Curve from Tube' feature that generates Arc tube objects based on 3D geometry imported from other CAD applications. You can design your tube chassis, bumper, roof rack, etc in your favorite CAD application import an OBJ and the ADS tools for notching and bending for manufaturing.

Version 1.1.73 December 18, 2022
Bug fixes prevent objects from being added to lights and cameras by default as well as a bounds calculation bug when rotating around lights and cameras.

Version 1.1.72 December 17, 2022
Bug fixes to the selection resize tool, CFD dialog and added Online Help link.

Version 1.1.71 December 16, 2022
Cosmetic updates to the scene borders with a lighter shading and selection color.

Version 1.1.70 December 11, 2022
Selection improvements only pick objects with mesh or curves close to click location instead of bounding box. Add correct curve profile to arc tubing bends.

Version 1.1.61 October 26, 2022
Add sound indicators, menu cleanup, tools add some objects as children of a selection, Obj import/export scale bug fix, selection performance improvement, add select all curve function, add manual tube bend PDF instruction export, Mac OSX scroll bug fix, and more.

Version 1.1.49 July 12, 2022
Fixes to Arc tube modeling, notching on angles with bend and notch GCode exporting. Added CSV curve exporting for importing in Fusion 360.

Version 1.1.37 February 23, 2022
Improvements to Arc tube notching, tabbing and slot generation code.

Version 1.1.35 February 10, 2022
Bug Fixes, Mirroring tool updates for mesh and arc tube objects.

Version 1.1.28 January 17 2022
Improvements to Spline Mesh mirroring and CFD which is only in prototyping stage.

Version 1.1.27 January 14 2022
Introduces mirror plane support for spline mesh objects. Adding a mirror plane object as a shild to a spline mesh object will cause it to be replicated beyond the mirror plane.

Version 1.1.26 January 11 2022
Beta version of auto tab and slot when editing notch curves. Select the points in a notch curve and the new tab slot tool, use the arrow keys to move the points into the intersecting arc tube and an auto generated slot will be added.

Version 1.1.25 January 7 2022
Beta version of Arc Tube notching GCode export feature is now usable. Model arc tubes that intersect with each other then select the arc object you want to create a coping notch and select the menu item.

Version 1.1.22 December 28 2021
Improvements to the arc tube auto notch feature. Notching is now beta quality and usable for most intersections.

Version 1.1.20 December 27 2021
Bug fix realease, addresses tool selection bug when switching view modes perspective, parallel, one view and four vies. Also has preliminary work starting on 5-Axis functions for routing and printing.

Version 1.1.19 December 24 2021
Preliminary implementation of mirror plane tool that copies one side of an arc or curve object so that they are symetrical. Improvements to the auto notch arc tube feature but more work is needed.

Version 1.1.17 December 10 2021
Improvements to Arc Tube Bend and Notch GCode export as well as object and scene information including total length, weight and cost of tubing.

Version 1.1.14 November 29 2021
Dimension tools now support 2 points in addition to the previous 3. Two points are good for quick dimensioning and three point are better for printing.
Arc tubes now show a transparent tube given a diameter and arc radius. The bends are not connected but illustrated by segments.

Version 1.1.13 November 22 2021
This release adds a new arc based curve tool and CNC tube bender export feature. Tubes can be modeled with a curve and a specified bender die radius and tube diameter and the exported GCode will calculate the advance offsets, arc circumfrance, and rotation angles.
This version still uses an old Tube Notch GCode export that is not compatible with the arc tube profiles and still requires straight tubes aligned to the X axis.
Selecting large sets of objects in scenes will now display a progress bar to indicate how long the operation will take. Eventually this will be multithreaded for better performance.


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The primary core feature set focus is currently on surface meshing, tube notching, tube bending and CNC exporting.

The following are a few features being considered for future releases. Your feedback is important to prioritize future development.

Finite Element Analysis

A FEA implementation would be useful with physical comparison for approxamite structural design and optimization. The goal of an integrated implementation would be to iterate on designs and use third party FEA solutions for final analysis.

Computational Fluid Dynamics

A CFD implementation would be usedfull for iteration on aerodynamic design projects with approxamite results and final designs to be run against third party solutions for more accuracy.

Generative Design

A feature to generate physical object designs with constraignts measured by a human and eloved over iterations to learn to design components is being evaluated.

Performance Vehicles for Touring and Track.
CNC Manufacturing.
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